Community Food Support
Community food support in Eastbourne
If you need support to access free or affordable food, our network of community projects are here to help. There are a range of options depending on what works for you: join the fight against food waste by visiting one of the community fridges, top up your fruit and veg and learn new growing skills at a community garden, cook and eat as a community at a community kitchen…
If none of the options below are appropriate, we encourage you to contact Adult Social Care and Health, East Sussex County Council directly. Call them on 0345 6080191 for support and referral to appropriate services.
The information below is provided by the organisers of these services, so while we will update when we hear of changes can’t guarantee they are up to date so please get in touch with the service directly to ensure they are open.
If you are a provider of a service below, or an unlisted one, please send us your details or keep us updated with your current information.
Please email us at with any additions or updates.
Eastbourne Foodbank
Eastbourne Foodbank provide three days’ emergency food, as well as welfare, benefits and debt advice to individuals and families in receipt of a foodbank referral voucher at locations listed below. You will be welcomed by a friendly, non-judgemental volunteer.
Welfare benefits, debt advice and foodbank vouchers (no emergency food):
- St Richard’s Church Centre, Priory Road Monday 10am-12 midday
Emergency food provision:
- St Elisabeth’s Victoria Drive Tuesday 10am-12 midday
- All Souls Church, Wellesley Road Tuesday 10am-12 midday
- Gateway Christian Centre, Lottbridge Drove Wednesday 10am-12 midday
- Langney Community Centre, Etchingham Road Thursday 10am – 12 midday
- St Saviour’s Church, South Street Friday 10am-12 midday
Referral is necessary for this service: Tel 01323 409925, Monday to Friday 9am to 12 midday or contact by email.
Community fridges and larders in Eastbourne
Community fridges, larders and pantries redistribute surplus and/or donated food, reducing food waste while improving access to food in the community. They are also supported with donations of surplus produce by a number of community growing projects
- Langney Community Centre, Etchingham Road, Eastbourne, 01323 763762. Community Fridge and Larder – Tuesdays, 1pm-3pm. £2 for up to 10 items, everyone is welcome.
- Seaside Community Fridge, 125 Seaside, Eastbourne, BN22 7NN. 01323 371322. Community Fridge and Larder. Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 11am-3.30pm. £2 per visit for up to 10 items, everyone is welcome
- Old Town Community Fridge, Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Road (opposite Cavendish School), Eastbourne, 01323 737974. Community Fridge and some pantry items. Wednesdays, 8.30am-10.00am. £2 per visit for up to 10 items, everyone is welcome.
- Willingdon Trees Community Fridge, Holly Place, 01323 504438. Community fridge open weekdays 10am to 3pm, suggested donation of £2, all are welcome.
- Defiant Sports Community Fridge, Sovereign Harbour Retail Park, BN23 6JH, 07887 755856. Open Tues 11am-1pm, Thurs 11am-1pm, Friday 2pm-4pm, all are welcome
- Shinewater Community Fridge, Shinewater Family Hub, Milfoil Road, Eastbourne BN23 8ED. 01323 463244. Community Fridge – Tuesdays 10-12pm. Pay as you feel. Suggested donation is £1 for 5 items. All welcome.
Community kitchens, cafés and lunch clubs
- \Leaf Hall Community Kitchen – 51 Seaside, Eastbourne BN22 7NB. More info at or
- Free Friday takeaways – prepared with love in the community kitchen and available for collection from the venue from 12.30-1pm. To order your free take away please text Clare on 07902 214809 saying your name, number of adult portions, number of children’s portions, ages of children, and if you are vegetarian. If you want to come and cook as part of the team, please email
- New Leaf Café – Every Thursday 12-1.30, “the most joyous café in Eastbourne” providing a delicious 2 course lunch for £5 as part of a training programme for Mencap clients.
- World Food Community café – Every Wednesday Our Neighbourhood holds a drop-in session for refugees and asylum seekers at Leaf Hall from 9.30am-1pm, where participants can learn how to cook, or practise new recipes.
- Age Concern – The William and Patricia Venton Centre, Junction Road, Eastbourne, 01323 638474 – offering a range of free information, advice and services for the elderly, and a community cafe open to all. Open Mon-Fri, 9-4. Advice walk-ins on Wed & Fri.
- Seaside Community Hub, 125 Seaside, BN22 7NN, 01323 371322, open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11am – 3.30pm, offering tea/coffee and cake and a warm space, as well as community fridge (see above) and a “library of things”.
- Wave Community Bank on Thursdays 1pm – 3pm, your local ethical community bank offering accounts, savings and loans
- Willingdon Trees Community Centre, Holly Place, 01323 504438
- Revive community café serving free hot drinks and snacks, open on Tuesdays 9:45am – 10:45am, Wednesdays 10am – 11:30am and Fridays 12:30pm – 2pm
- Cosy Space café serving free hot drinks and snacks, open on Tuesdays and Fridays, 2-4pm
- Sanctuary Café, All Souls Church, Wellesley Road 07876388782. Friday 10am-12noon, Hot drinks, snacks, advice and welcome to asylum seekers & refugees inc. foodstuff distribution
- Lunch Positive, 1st Saturday of every month from 12noon, lunch and peer support for people living with HIV. Contact
Free hot meal providers in Eastbourne
Salvation Army: provides friendship, help and practical support (including referrals, application support and signposting) to those in need in our community.
- At Eastbourne Old Town, 33 Royal Sussex Crescent, 01323 641833, Please call for details of further support.
- At Rebourne Corner, 149 Langney Road, 01323 417149
- 10.30-1.30pm, Monday to Thursday, hot food to takeaway
- At Eastbourne Citadel, 141 Langney Road, 01323 640382,
- Tuesday 6-7pm, hot meal to takeaway or eat-in
Warming up the Homeless, tel. 01424 552929 : provides support including hot food and drinks, water, snacks and meal packs, toiletries, clothing, tents, sleeping bags, blankets, first aid, advocacy and support groups. Call the emergency hotline on 07367 060708 on behalf of a homeless person you are concerned about or for emergencies concerning a homeless person.
- Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 7.30pm opposite the Grand Hotel, King Edward’s Parade.
- 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, 4.30pm-7pm, Hot Dinner at The Way, 91-93 Seaside
Matthew 25 Mission, Tel. 01323 726960 : provide practical assistance and support for anyone in need including support for those with life-threatening addictions, loneliness, bereavement, unemployment, homelessness, offending issues, and other challenges. They provide:
- Breakfast (8am-10am) and lunch (12 midday – 2pm) Monday to Friday, to anyone in need at Brodie Hall, Christ Church, Seaside. Delivery possible for those with physical disabilities.
- A hot meal at 7pm on Fridays, at Brodie Hall, Christ Church Seaside, provided by Food4Thought
- A hot meal for the homeless at 7pm Thursdays outside Poundland, Town Centre, provided by Absolute Angels
Feedbourners: provide a home cooked meal and breakfast pack to the homeless community in Eastbourne, as well as small provisions. For more information contact via the Facebook Page
- 7.30pm every Wednesday outside Café Republic, Terminus Road
Community gardens
Community gardens support you to grow your own food, providing land and resources to grow fruit and veg together as a community. By harvesting your own fruit and veg, you can top up your food shop with ultra-local produce.
- Gather Community Allotment – Churchdale Road allotments, Eastbourne, 07869 706620. An inclusive space for reconnecting with nature and winding down, with a pop-up lunch/cafe on Fridays, please call for details.
- Rooted community food project – Gorringe Road allotments, Eastbourne. See link for contact details
Other Support, Useful Contacts and further information
Adult Social Care and Health, East Sussex County Council: Provides referrals to access social care support. Call 0345 60 80 191, email or text 07797 878 111
Citizens Advice Bureau: Provides free, confidential and impartial advice, including support budgeting, benefit checks, claims and appeals and debt advice. Call 0800 144 8848 freephone, open Monday to Friday 10am til 4pm or contact online here.
Office open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am til 3pm and Tuesdays 10am til 1pm. Unit 6 Highlight House, 8 St Leonards Road, Eastbourne BN21 3UH
Warm homes check service: provides free advice and referrals to support households to keep warm this winter. Text WARM to 80011 or phone 0800 464 7307
Healthy Start: provides support to buy healthy food and milk for people more than 10 weeks pregnant or with a child under the age of 4. The scheme is for those on benefits or under the age of 18. Apply for the card online here, and use the vouchers at any outlet with Mastercard. Sainsbury’s are offering a £2 coupon for every use of the Healthy Start card until April 11, 2023.
Samaritans: provide free confidential support – without judgement or pressure – for any worries or issues you might be going through.
If you or someone you know needs support, call 116 123, email or write to Freepost SAMARITANS LETTERS
TechResort – 23a Cavendish Place, Digital drop-ins Fridays 12 midday – 3pm offering free digital help and advice. Contact via email here.
Christians Against Poverty Eastbourne Debt Centre. Provides free debt advice and personal support in Eastbourne. Visit Helen at the Old Town Community Fridge, or book in by calling 0800 328 0006.
Rehab 4 Addiction offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health, provides a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction in East Sussex, and a comprehensive directory of treatment centres throughout the UK, making it easier for those in need to find help near them.
Baby Basics, new service to Eastbourne, is part of a national network providing much needed essentials and equipment to mothers and families including; Moses basket with ‘basics’ including clothing, nappies and a new mattress, New Mum packs, baby, toddler and children’s clothing and bedding, prams and buggies, toys and books.
Community Food Support News
Small Grants to Improve Access to Good Food in Eastbourne
Small Grants Programme – Eastbourne Food Partnership Applications deadline - 17th September Eastbourne Food Partnership are delighted to announce the launch of another round of small grants to support projects within Eastbourne Borough that alleviate food insecurity....
Grow A Row drop-off point launch at Gorringe Road Allotments
Our very first “Grow a Row” allotment drop-off point is officially open at Gorringe Road Nature Garden! The drop-off point is part of a project to encourage individual growers to share their crops with community food projects that are working to make nourishing,...
Holiday Food and Fun, Summer 2023
There are 14 HAF clubs running this summer across Eastbourne, with plenty of spaces still available from animation to music recording to crafts to performance arts. Visit to find out more and bookings. A special shout out to The Art House and...
Old Town Community Fridge Summer Breakfasts, August 2023
Free breakfast and kids activities at Victoria Baptist Church, every Wednesday in August, 8.30am-10.30am. Running alongside Old Town Community Fridge, Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Road (opposite Cavendish School), Eastbourne, 01323 737974. Wednesdays,...